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Configure a Tournament

There are a lot of options available to you when configuring a tournament. This guide will walk you through each of the options and what they mean.


This tutorial assumes you've completed all steps from the Getting Started guide and have created a tournament.

Tournament Configuration Options

This section will walk you through each of the configuration options available to you when configuring a tournament. First, you'll want to be within the #admin channel of the tournament you've created, this channel will be linked to you when you create a tournament and will always appear towards the bottom of your server's channel list.

Missing Config Embed

If you are unable to find your tournament's Config embed in the #admin channel, you can use the /config command to have the embed sent again in that channel.

Basic Config

The basic config options are the most common options you'll want to configure for your tournament. These options can be edited via the 📝 button on the configuration embed or via our Tournaments Website.

The basic config options are as follows:

  • Name: The name of your tournament. This will be used in the tournament's category name and the tournament's participant and spectator role names. It will also appear in the tournament's embeds.
  • Best of: The number of games that will be played in a match. For example, if you set this to 3, the first player to win 2 games will win the match.
  • Playercap: The maximum number of players that can register for your tournament. Once this number is reached, registration will be closed. Max for non-premium servers is 8, max for premium servers is 32 but can be upgraded to 512.
  • Rules: The rules for your tournament. This will be displayed in the tournament's registration embed.
  • Info: Any additional information you'd like to provide about your tournament. This will be displayed in the tournament's registration embed.

Advanced Config

The advanced config options are the less common options you'll want to configure for your tournament. These options can only be edited via our Tournaments Website unless a command is specified.

The advanced config options are as follows:

  • Bracket: The type of bracket you'd like to use for your tournament. The options are Single Elimination, Double Elimination, Round Robin, Swiss, FFA/Race and Group Stages. To learn more about each of these bracket types, please see Bracket Types.
  • Team Size: The number of players that will be on each team. This is only applicable for team based events and should not be changed otherwise. (Premium Only)
  • Start Date: The date and time you'd like your tournament to start. This will be displayed in the tournament's registration embed.
  • Game: The game you'd like to use for your tournament. This will be displayed in the tournament's registration embed.
  • Prize: The prize for your tournament. This will be displayed in the tournament's registration embed.
  • Banner: The banner for your tournament. This will be displayed in the tournament's card on the tournaments website.
  • Player Scoring: Whether or not you'd like to enable player scoring.
    • On - Tournament Participants will be able to score their own matches.
    • Off - Only Tournament Admins will be able to score matches.
    • Command: /toggle score
  • Bracket Generation: Whether or not you'd like to enable bracket generation.
    • On - The bracket will be automatically generated within the #bracket channel of your event on Discord.
    • Off - The bracket will only be available via your tournament's page on our tournaments website.
    • Command: /toggle bracket
    • Premium Only
  • Private Threads: Whether or not you'd like to enable private threads. Each match will generate a thread for the participating users to chat in.
    • On - Generated threads will be private and other users in the tournament will not be able to view the thread by default.
    • Off - Generated threads will be public threads and all users in the tournament will be able to view the thread.
    • Command: /toggle thread
  • Create Server Event: Whether or not you'd like to create a server event.
    • On - A server event will be created for your tournament when the registration portal is posted.
    • Off - A server event will not be created for your tournament.
    • Command: /event
  • Toggle Registration: Select what type of registration you'd like to use for your tournament.
    • Normal - When a user registers for your tournament, they will be immediately registered to the tournament given there is space available.
    • Random - When a user registers for your tournament, they will be added to a pool of participants. When registration closes, Tourney Bot will select x amount of users from that pool of participants and will register them to the tournament. Note that the amount of users selected is based on the set playercap of your tournament.
    • Command: /toggle registration
  • Decider: Whether or not you'd like to enable a 3rd place decider match.
    • On - A 3rd place decider will be created for your tournament.
    • Off - A 3rd place decider will not be created for your tournament.
    • Command: /toggle third_place_match
  • Proof Required: Whether or not you'd like to require proof for matches.
    • On - Proof will be required for all matches before a score is able to be submitted.
    • Off - Proof will not be required for any matches before a score is able to be submitted.
    • Tournament participants will use the /proof command to submit proof.
    • Can only be enabled on the website
    • Learn more about the Match Proof System
  • Region Lock: Whether you want the tournament locked to a specific region.
    • On - Select a region from the dropdown and users who have configured their /profile region to that region will be allowed to join. Those who attempt to join outside of the set region will be denied and admins will be alerted. /register overrides region-lock.
    • Off - Tournament registration proceeds as normal without any restrictions.

Config Templates

Do you host a lot of events, or just don't want to type the same stuff over and over again? Well, welcome to Tourney Bot Templates! Templates allow you to save a tournament's configuration and then export it to any other tournament you'd like.

Creating a Template

To create a template using the /template create command. This command takes one parameter, template_name. This parameter is self-explanatory, it's the name of the template you'd like to create.

For example, if you wanted to create a template called Rocket League 1v1, you'd use the following command:

/template create template_name:Rocket League 1v1

So, this will create a template named Rocket League 1v1 and will save all configuration settings except for the name of the tournament. This means that if you were to use this template, you'd still need to change the name of the tournament.


This process should only be done once you have fully configured your tournament.

Using a Template

To use a template, you'll need to use the /template import command. This command takes one parameter, template_name. This parameter is again self-explanatory. This command can only be ran in the #admin channel of the tournament you'd like to import the template to. This process will override all current settings of the tournament and is ideally used on newly created tournaments.

Updating a Template

To update a template, you'll need to use the /template update command. This command takes one parameter, template_name. This parameter is again self-explanatory. This command can only be ran in the #admin channel of the tournament you'd like to update the template from. This process will overwrite all current settings of the template to the settings of the tournament you are updating from.

Deleting a Template

To delete a template, you'll need to use the /template delete command. This command takes one parameter, template_name. This parameter is again self-explanatory. This command can be ran in any channel that Tourney Bot has access to. This process will permanently delete the template and all of it's settings from your server.


Congratulations! You have now learned about each of the config options are, what they do, and how to change them. Now, you will need to open your tournament for registration, head to Open Tournament Registration to learn how to do that.