📄️ Getting Started
Getting started with Tourney Bot is easy!
🗃️ 🏆 Tournaments
6 items
📄️ Leaderboards
Leaderboards are a way to track the progress of your users.
📄️ Role Gating (Whitelisting/Blacklisting)
First, we need to define what is means to whitelist or blacklist a role from a tournament, in our case. Whitelisting a role means that only users with that role can register for the tournament. Blacklisting a role means that users with that role cannot register for the tournament. It is also good to note that you cannot have whitelisted and blacklisted roles at the same time as they effective serve the same purpose. It is recommended to use whitelisting over blacklisting as it is more secure.
📄️ Twitch Linking Integration
In this guide you will learn how to link your Discord tournament to your Twitch channel. This functionality allows you to see which players register to the tournament, alert when the tournament starts, display the tournament's bracket and standings, display match results and finally alert when the tournament is ending, all directly in your Twitch chat. This is a great way to keep your viewers engaged and up to date with the tournament's progress while they watch the matches live on your stream.